Doctorado Ciudad, Territorio y Sustentabilidad
Posgrado Consolidado - Sistema Nacional de Posgrados CONACYT


The formation of specialists in scientific research and development, with innovations in the production of knowledge of the city and territory, in the framework of searching for and making instruments to promote sustainable development and social equity in the complex context of globalization. 

Curricular Structure

The Program has three Lines of Generation and Application of Knowledge (LGAK) integrating the research projects of the students and professors of the Doctorate. These are:  

  • Line of Research 1:  Imaginary theory of architecture and city
  • Line of Research 2:  Territory, mobility and public space
  • Line of Research 3:  Habitat, territorial planning and sustainability

The design of the program is formed by:  

  • Research seminars.
  • Evaluation seminars. With the presentation of developments and preliminary conclusions of the research Project (first and second years)
  • PhD Thesis.

Research Seminars

Eight seminars are held in the first year and seven in the second year and at least four have the participation of visiting professors. Attending the seminars is compulsory for all students. Their work is directed with the help of a Tutor, and by the professors taking part in the seminars, whose job is to nourish the students’ researches in terms of methodology and choice of subject, acting directly and interactively with the professor-researchers who are members of the Program and with specialists invited from elsewhere in the country and from abroad. 

Evaluation Seminars

At the end of each of the first two years of study of the Doctorate Program, the students will have to present an annual report on the advances of their research, before a jury of 5 members, 2 of whom are from outside the Program. The average mark from seminars and the annual evaluation should not be less than 80, an indispensable requirement for staying in the Program and for working on the preparation of the PhD thesis for the end of the second year.

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