Currículum Vítae


Schneider, D.W., J.A. Stoeckel, C.R. Rehmann, K. D. Blodgett, R. E. Sparks, D. K. Padilla. 2003. A developmental bottleneck in dispersing larvae: implications for spatial population dynamics. Ecology Letters 6:352-360.

Rehmann, C.R., J.A. Stoeckel, and D.W. Schneider. 2003. Effect of turbulence on the mortality of zebra mussel veligers. Canadian Journal of Zoology 81:1063-1069.

Henne, L.J., D.W. Schneider, and L.M. Martinez. 2002. Rapid Assessment of Organic Pollution in a West-central Mexican River Using a Family-level Biotic Index. Environmental Planning and Management 45:613-632.

Schneider, D.W. 2000. Local Knowledge, Environmental Politics and the Founding of Ecology in the United States: Stephen Forbes and ?The Lake as a Microcosm' (1887). Isis 91: 681-705.

Schneider, D.W. 1999. Snow-melt ponds in Wisconsin. Influence of hydroperiod on invertebrate community structure. In: D. Batzer, R. Rader and S. Wissinger (eds). Invertebrates in freshwater wetlands of North America: Ecology and management. J. Wiley. In press.

Schneider, D.W., C.D. Ellis and K.S. Cummings. 1998. A transportation model assessment of the risk to native mussel communities from zebra mussel spread. Conservation Biology 12:788-800.

Stoeckel, J.A., D.W. Schneider, L.A. Soeken, K.D. Blodgett and R.E. Sparks. 1997. Propagule dynamics of a riverine metapopulation: Implications for zebra mussel recruitment, dispersal and control in a large-river system. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 16:586-601.

Schneider, D.W. 1996. Effects of European settlement and land use on patterns of similarity of Chesapeake forests. Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club 123:223-239.

Schneider, D.W. 1996. Enclosing the floodplain: Resource conflict on the Illinois River, 1880-1920. Environmental History 1(2):70-96.

Schneider, D.W. and T.M. Frost. 1996. Habitat duration and community structure in temporary ponds. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 15:64-86.

Proyectos de investigación

• Ecology and restoration of floodplain rivers

• Science and citizen participation in environmental planning

• Environmental history of Illinois River

• Ecology and management of invasive species

• Wetland ecology

• Environmental planning in Mexico