Centro de Investigación del Medio Ambiente y Ordenación Territorial
Cuerpo Académico Consolidado PRODEP
  • Association with institutions of science, technology and higher education, professionals, public and private research organisations.
  • South-South cooperation, to exchange experiences and practices between countries and cities, developing mutual understanding and learning.
  • Promote special interest in equality agendas between people, men and women and especially children.
  • Innovate in the appropriation of knowledge through the mass media and information technology through courses, workshops, conferences and urban laboratories.
  • To promote those principles and keys that are internationally livelihood of justice and progress and implementation, which are located in urban planning instruments.
  • Establish a baseline of information and documentation of urban problems, experiences and solutions achieved in local and worldwide.
  • Proposals and projects with the idea of smart cities, as a place of achievable solutions to the problems of cities.

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